dissabte, 11 de maig del 2013


Abans de parlar de on anar a menjar, haurem de distingir la nostra terminologia a l'hora de referir-nos al tipus d'àpat i  local on anirem.
Si parlem de "fer un mosset" ens referim al "bocadillet" o bé una amanideta....
Si parlem de "picadetes" ens referim a platets per compartir (bunyolets d'abadejo_Bacallà_, calamars a la romana..croquetetes o similars..).
I si parlem d'anar de "restaurant" ens referim a la suma de picadetes i/o primer plat, segon plat, postre, cafè, copa, puro i xupito si s'escau....

Before talking about where to eat, we distinguish our terminology when referring to types of local food and where we go.
If this is "a Mosset" we mean "bocadillet" or a salad ....
If we talk about "picadetes" referring to dishes to share (bunyolets of abadejo_Bacallà_, calamari .. croquetetes or similar ..).
And speaking of going "restaurant" refers to the sum of picadetes and / or first course, second course, dessert, coffee, drink, pure and xupito if necessary ....

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